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2010年3月26日星期五 '
My facebook's account was disabled...
Wuwuwu....I want to cry already...Why was my facebook's account disabled by facebook?...Is any part that i doing wrong?...I don't want,I don't want,I don't want!!!!!!!My game's level at facebook was very high already,I don't want to start over again...I don't want and also very lazy to create a new account...I also have many friends at facebook,I don't want to lose contact with them...I think I will miss them very much...Haizzz....Why would it be like that?...This is not the first time that my account was disabled by facebook,that's the second time already...I am worried that this time facebook will be permanently disabled my account...In that case,I really will cry...But...I can do nothing at this time,I just hope that facebook will reply me as fast as possible...Amen...T^T

2010年3月17日星期三 '
I wanna be escape...
When I thought about trying hard to do one thing, the more I would like to escape...I don't want to face the PMR exam...I think I will collapse...I have a heavy burden...My mother had great expectations for me, I don't want to disappoint her...So...No matter how hard it is,I also want to try my best...But...Originally...I can't...I am almost does not survive...Always true to think...Will be able to break through difficulties and make it happen...But...The original....All this is so difficult for me...Somebody had said...'If you want to be the best,you must try your very best...'Is it true?...I was very suspect for it...I would also like to cheer for myself...

2010年3月12日星期五 '
It's the time for relax?...
Sometime...I want to take a rest...I feel very tired...But more tired i feel,more hardworking i want to do...I can't be rest...I must be more hardworking,hardworking and hardwoking!!!!No excuse...This is my mission...And I promise myself that I will do my best in the 'PMR',even if I get a undesirability result in the exam,I also will not be regret...Because at least I have to try and do my best...Still have 7 months for me to prepare the exam...Actually...That's not enough for me...The time will passing by very fast...And also didn't waiting for me...So...I must put the double effort in the exam...Slightest careless nor will me to allow....I don't care the process,I just care the good result that I done...Although the exam has just over,but i can't be relax...Because 'PMR' has not coming yet... Instead, I should be put more effort than ever before...Then...Now...It's the time for fighting!!!!!^o^

2010年3月10日星期三 '
I must be changed!!!!
I can't always be cowardly,I would like to become stronger!!!!I don't want always to be escape the truth...I don't want to feel regret in the end...I want to do my best without any regret...So...From now on...Choong Kar Yan...Let's go!!!!Go along with a piece of the sky belongs to you...Just trust yourself...You can!!!If you are really putting everything they have and do the best, even if you are disappointed in the exam, you will not feel sorry...PMR...is coming soon...Can't be play play again...It's very serious for your future...Your target is '8A'...You must get the '8A' in the PMR exam...No excuse!!!In fact,you are a possible,just yourself don't have the self-confidence to do it...try to trust yourself...It's not that difficult as you think...If you really trust it,you can do anything...Choong Kar Yan,be confident!!!You are the best!!!!.....>_____<

2010年3月2日星期二 '
My god...I was very uncomfortable now...Colds, cough, sore throat...And I also had a fever...My whole boby was hot,and I feel very faintness and dizzy...I hates sick...I don't want to be sick...That's feel very uncomfortable...Sigh...Why would I suffering fever?...Haizzz...Maybe It's all my fault...Always ate the biscuits,chocolate,soda water and more food in the Chinese New Year...Then...Now...Colds...Cough...Sore throat...Fever...That's all was meet me in the same time...Sob...Choong Kar Yan,That's all your gluttonous fault...Always promise that you must be slimming...At the end,you always be give up and also thinking that it's doesn't matter,you yourself will be slim when you was grow up...Then...Continue to eat,eat,eat,and eat...Haizzz...Choong Kar Yan,you can insist that the principle of yourself or not?...Karyan,Gambateh lol^_________^


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Choong Karyan

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CHOONG KAR YAN =D also known as MEIGAN
Idol is TVXQ&Lionel Messi
I'm 15 years old
Proud to be Cancer
And I am a mad fans of FC BARCELONA^O^
SMJK Pei Yuan, Kampar,Perak.

Last update:
  • Good results
  • Hapiness Everyday!
  • Harmonious Family
  • Princey
  • Be loved
  • Everlasting true love
  • Meet My idol- TVXQ&Messi♥
  • Study abroad to Australia^^
  • Found my Mr.Right!

  • Beloved


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