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2010年2月26日星期五 '
Where's my true friend?...
Really...I feel very disappointed for my friend...When I was sad and unhappy,where are you,my friend?...When I need your support to taking up a challenge,where are you,my friend?...When I need your help to solved a problem,where are you,my friend?...You don't have lend a helping hand,instead, you are far away from me...Why you can like that,my friend?...You know?...You are disappoint me so much...I use my true heart to be your sincere friend,why you will be like that?...Have you put me as your friend?...You are not animal,you have a skill to thinking,then why would you be immoral than animal?...That's so sad for me...

2010年2月23日星期二 '
자신을 위해, 통로 더군...
당신은 우리의 최선을 가리킨 아 해. . . 당신이 포스터 총통이 마십시오. . . 당신은 그들이 당신을 확인하는 증명해야하지만, 하루 종일 온라인 게임을 컴퓨터 앞에있을뿐 아니라 둥지. . . 당신은 어느 한 사람 보단 낫지. . . 당신은, 아무것도 뭔가를 원하는 게으른있습니다. . . 만큼 당신이 약간의 인내와 함께, 난 당신을 영토 밖으로 새겨져 수있을 것입니다 믿습니다. . .시험에 대한 접근 오. . . 숙제를 시작합니다. . . 하루 그만 단정치 못한, 그리고 15 세 이상이, 예수의 작은 어른했다로 여겨왔다. . . 반드시 보물 순간 아. . . 일 비워두시키지 마십시오. . . 당신이 아. . . 사랑 게으른됩니다. . . 아무것도 둥지에 침대에서 잠이 더 좋아했습니다. . . 당신의 검사 또는 아니야? . . .잊었어요? . . . 그 시간을 후회 오 오지 마. . .항상 자신감 마십시오. . . 게으름은 단지 사실, 당신은 나쁜 생각하지 말고, 당신이있습니다. . . 그것에 자신을 변경할 수있습니다. . . 시험 2 주. . . 당신이 공부하고 싶어요! ! ! 난 아 기억 해요. . . 재충전합니다! 급유급유급유!!!!^^

2010年2月22日星期一 '
The contradiction of me...
Feel upset...I am always be paradox...Originally I was planning a timetable for my study,but actually I don't have the heart to do it...And just sitting in front of the computer to playing facebook,reading online novel,playing online game and more...As you know,I am a people who are lazy...I am just want to lying in my bed to sleep,sleep,and sleep!!!Then...If I really don't have the heart to do anything,nobody can force me to do it...I think I am very bad...Really...Very bad one...But it's myself...Can't be change...Sigh...My 'PMR'...I think it will be appalling...I have no eye see already...Overall everything comes naturally,just do my best!!!That all will be ok...(I hope...)Haha...Go to study...If not,I will died in my 'PMR'...Drift away...<3

2010年2月21日星期日 '
Reopen school day...
Sigh...Finally...That day are coming...Although I am very oppose for it,but it was came...PMR...At least remain seven months only...The seven months will passing very fast inadvertently...And then...That is my deadline...I will die in that time...And also I will say good bye to everybody...Trouble,trouble,and trouble!!!!Why should my country have this 'PMR' exam?!This exam are make me so trouble!!!Haizzz...I has no self-confidence...Really I can handle it?...And...What do you think?...I am useless...Nothing can I do...And just always play play to living...I am not 'cement'...I can't be excellent,beautiful,cute,clever,great leadership like her...I am just myself...And never will be changed...Reopen school day...Haizzz...Can I escape with it?...The answer is...Can't!!!!In the end...I also need to face the shit exam...Haizzz...Gambateh lo...Choong Kar Yan...Maybe you can change the fate!!!!Add oil,add oil!!!

2010年2月17日星期三 '
Finally..I'm come back!!!!
Haizzz...CNY are almost to be passing by...then I must be study hard for my shit 'PMR' exam...I am so worried now...I was always be escape the reality before...But I am escape the reality not mean that the reality are not exist...Eventually...I also must be face the shit exam...No any excuse can let me to escape...Whenever I was determined to study hard in order to test good grades...To the end...I was flinch...I am really don't have the self-confident...No matter how I console myself that I can,I also can't...Can't can't can't!!!Why I will unuseful like that?I also want to be a person who was useful...But actually...I can't...Nothing can I do...I am always a loser...That's the truth...

2010年2月11日星期四 '

2010年2月2日星期二 '
'1302'...this number will be my lucky number?!
'1302'I think that is a good number,because it is quite pleasant to listen...But I not sure that this number will be my lucky number or not...That's all because on behalf of my team, I participated in last year's discus throw competition...However...Unexpectedly...I actually won the title in this c0ompetition...Oh!My god...That's so surprised!I feel so exciting in that moment...But now...I also have on behalf of my team to participated the discus throw competition...Unluckyly for me...I am lose...My goodness...That's make me so sad...Because I always think that I will win the competition...So disappointed...Haizzz...But....Fortunately...I have win the 'Second Runner-up' in the interleaver javelin competition...That's also so surprised for me!Because before that i am simply don't have any experience for the interleaver javelin...That's just my first time to spear the javelin...So...Thanks god to give me the lucky...(:


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Choong Karyan

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CHOONG KAR YAN =D also known as MEIGAN
Idol is TVXQ&Lionel Messi
I'm 15 years old
Proud to be Cancer
And I am a mad fans of FC BARCELONA^O^
SMJK Pei Yuan, Kampar,Perak.

Last update:
  • Good results
  • Hapiness Everyday!
  • Harmonious Family
  • Princey
  • Be loved
  • Everlasting true love
  • Meet My idol- TVXQ&Messi♥
  • Study abroad to Australia^^
  • Found my Mr.Right!

  • Beloved


    ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ TVXQ
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lionel Messi
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥ My family
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥ All my friends
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Myself

    Sorry if i miss out you; tag me

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    Lionel Messi info
    Lionel Messi Official Tencent Blog

    The Memories
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  • 一月 2010
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