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2010年1月28日星期四 '
Today is the last day that can release myself...
I tell myself that I can!!!!I understanded that many things which are make me confused formerly through the enlightenment of a group buddy and elder of my religion...Start from tomorrow...Oh!No!Is today!Starting from today,I am ready to accept a challenge!!!PMR,that's not very terrible one!!!!I think I can control it!No!I comform!I can't always be escape the reality!!!I must be learning how to be a people that never be give up and try try try until succeed!I want to realize my aim!My dream and my life are control on my hand!I will not let it be destroy on my hand!!!Choong Kar Yan,you are the best!!!Don't always be self-abased!Trust yourself,kar yan!!!Cheer up!(:PMR,I am coming!!!^^

2010年1月27日星期三 '
I originally have never give up hope for you...
I know that it's all just my wishful thinking...But I still hope that occasionally you have to stop,then you can look back at me...You know?...I'll always be there and waiting for you...You ask me why am I so obstinate...I answered that I just honest to my heart...My intuition tells me that is you...I really very like you...I can not say I love you, because I do not have that qualification...But,I know...You have been very clear for my heart...You just have to pretend that you don't know...I know how much I was silly, but. . .Who let me really is a fool?Ha...Sometimes...I was very regret for i like you...But...I know that love is cannot go back... will guard you quietly to one side...You can be don't like me,but you cannot stop me to like you...

2010年1月23日星期六 '
Oh!My dear,finally 'you' are come back!^^
I am very happy now,that's because of my computer was finally repaired!!!!For eight consecutive days can not be online, I would soon suffocate!!!!But...I still need to be patient,patient,and patient!!!Because I know the repairment of computer is not a day or two can be completed...So. . . No matter how much I worry is useless...Finally...When I was waited for eight days,and almost to be collapse,my computer...are come back....Yahoo!I am so excited for it!!!Oh!My dear computer,you know that how much i love you?!I can say...I love you so much,my dear computer!!!Muacksss....^^

2010年1月13日星期三 '
Fat is also guilty? !
Ha...I really very angry,angry,angry and angry!!!!What the shit?!Why I always be so lucky that choose by teacher take part the push-and-pull in sport day?!!!Fxxx!I want to sue the teacher!I want to sue his discrimination against fat people!!!!Fat are guilty?!I think no!Why always me?!That's also have others that fatter than me!!!I don't want,I don't want,I don't want!!!If you really choose me,i will absent on sport day!!!!I have said many time,I don't want,I don't want!!!!Why still don't understand?!Please don't forced me!And also please understand my feeling properly!!!Your action like that are indirectly insulting me!Please don't like that anymore...Ok?...

2010年1月11日星期一 '
what a shit school?!
Shit!Where have a shit school like that?!Always check this,check that...A student hair is very long, it does not mean that his conduct on the bad, the hair is long,that's nothing wrong!!!!The teacher in the school always taught us that don't judge people with their appearance, but they also doing the same thing?! Is this not contradict itself?!The long hair will affect our school work?!Ha...That's really funny...Strict is good! But ... This is rather an exaggeration too far now? !Cannot bring a pointed tail comb, fear that we will hurt others? ! Ha. . . I think later we also cannot bring the pens,then everyone bring a brush pen go to school together?God!I wanna crazy already!!!

2010年1月9日星期六 '
I'm always me~
Karyan,don't pay attention to opinion of others people...You're always you...You just need to do your best...Their opinion are not important one...Even if you are one people to solve any problem,you also can control it well...Although you are one people...You also can do anything...But i know...That's all the taradiddle...I'm can do anything...I'm still one people...The more effort to convince myself ,the more I am disappointed...I'm tired of a person's life...I hate myself that always just able to put my minds in my heart...I really was a typical Cancer girl...Sentimental and also like to crying...Sigh...Why would i like that?...Is my heart the first left them, or they never put me into their heart?...

2010年1月8日星期五 '
Don't leave me alone again...
Please...Don't leave me alone...I don't want to be lonely again...I just wanna make friend with you all forever...Why...Why you all always leave behind me?...Sometimes...I thinking that you all really very hate me,so that you all wanna leave behind me...Really i'm very annoying?...I know i'm not too clever,not too beautiful,not too special,not too slim...But at least I have a sincere heart to make friends with you all...Why...Why you all don't want to know me?...I'm also want to be a person who are popular...I'm also want to be a person who are popular in friendship like tehshi...Why do you all always will think of me when you need,but...abandon me when you don't need me?...Please do not put me as a commodity...I don't like it...Seats...You all also let me sit alone...Why...Why shall you all do that?...And also the exam...You have already selected your own partners, then you have not thought of me... I'm just one person to do any thing. . .Why you all always to hurt me?...hurt...that's so hurt...Why you all always forget me?...Sigh...i don't want like that...

2010年1月4日星期一 '
Damn!What a shit day?!A first reopen school day,why would I be so unlucky like that????Shit!!!Wanna crazy!What's?!Don't you know that what do i talking about?Ok...I will explain in detail to you...The way it is:...Today are the first reopen school day...Nothing to do...On just waiting for the arrival of school hours....'Ring...Ring...'Oh!The school hour are coming!!!Then...I'm taking the happy mood to return home...Surprisingly...My body are unstable and then fell to the ground...God!There are many parents and student around me...Shit!Why do I always do some things that embarrassing myself?!Wuwuwu...My knee are grazed...So hurt...T.T Sigh...That's all my fault...Always be careless...So always be falls...Wuwuwu...What a pity myself?...

2010年1月3日星期日 '
A bad news and a good news...
Wakaka....I am very happy now!!!What's business make me so happy?!Kaka...You guess~Yes!You're right!I'm passing the exam of Home Nursing!!!!It is very good news,right?!I'm also don't think myself will pass this difficult exam~~Aiyo...So exciting!!!Until then, I have always been holding the 'will fail' of mentality...So...I'm pass this exam,that's so surprise for me!!!When my friend tell me that i'm passing the exam of Home Nursing,I also don't believe her,i think that she is joking with me...But...Originally my friend didn't cheat me,i'm really pass this exam,that's the truth one...Wah...So surprise...That's the big good news for me!!!!But...For the bad news...Wuwuwu...T.T Tomorrow are the reopen school day....Oh!My god...Start from tomorrow,i must be wake up early...I'm so lazy to wake up at 6.00a.m....And also i also so lazy go to school and tuition...I just want to always lay on my warm bed to sleeping properly!!!!Wuwuwu...That's so misery...Sigh...Although so misery for me,but...i also need to face the reality...Karyan,gambateh!!!!That's a easy job for you,you can do it!!!!Kaka...(:


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Choong Karyan

Create Your Badge
CHOONG KAR YAN =D also known as MEIGAN
Idol is TVXQ&Lionel Messi
I'm 15 years old
Proud to be Cancer
And I am a mad fans of FC BARCELONA^O^
SMJK Pei Yuan, Kampar,Perak.

Last update:
  • Good results
  • Hapiness Everyday!
  • Harmonious Family
  • Princey
  • Be loved
  • Everlasting true love
  • Meet My idol- TVXQ&Messi♥
  • Study abroad to Australia^^
  • Found my Mr.Right!

  • Beloved


    ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ TVXQ
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lionel Messi
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥ My family
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥ All my friends
    ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Myself

    Sorry if i miss out you; tag me

    pui yeang
    mj tribute
    eddie lai

    Lionel Messi info
    Lionel Messi Official Tencent Blog

    The Memories
  • 十二月 2009
  • 一月 2010
  • 二月 2010
  • 三月 2010
  • 四月 2010
  • 五月 2010
  • 六月 2010
  • 七月 2010
  • 八月 2010
  • 九月 2010
  • 十月 2010
  • 十一月 2010
  • 十二月 2010
  • 三月 2011

  • Click for my past x33

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